UMBC Mic'd Up

Self-Care Tips for Working Professional Graduate Students

UMBC Mic'd Up with Dennise Season 4

Are you balancing a full-time job and graduate studies? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but self-care is key to maintaining your well-being and boosting productivity. In this episode, we share practical, easy-to-implement self-care strategies tailored for busy working professionals. Discover how small changes can make a big impact on your mental health, energy, and focus. Don’t miss these essential tips for thriving in both your career and academic journey!

🔗 Listen now and learn how to master self-care and find balance! #SelfCare #GradSchool #WorkLifeBalance #ProductivityTips

Hey there, listeners. Welcome back to another episode of UMBC Mic'd Up. In today’s episode, we’ll explore why self-care isn’t a luxury but a necessity. Let’s start with a simple but important question: How often do you really check in with yourself? When was the last time you scheduled a moment to pause, breathe, and assess your feelings? 

Ask yourself: Am I getting enough sleep? Am I fueling my body with the right foods to keep my energy up? When was the last time I exercised—not for the sake of ticking off a box, but to genuinely feel better? And perhaps most importantly, am I permitting myself to say “no” when I need to?

These are not just passing thoughts. They’re critical reflection points that can help guide you toward a healthier, more sustainable balance.

Now, let’s dive into some tips you can use today to prioritize self-care as a working graduate student.

Tip #1:  Not everyone has time for a weekend retreat, but what about micro self-care moments? It’s all about finding small windows in your day to recharge. Maybe it’s a five-minute walk between meetings, a short mindfulness exercise, or even just standing up from your desk to stretch and reset your posture. These little moments of care add up and can significantly affect how you feel throughout the day.

Tip #2: Whether it’s saying “no” to one more project at work or carving out dedicated study time without interruptions, setting boundaries is a form of self-care. Take a moment to reflect: Are there areas where you could set better boundaries in your life? Could you communicate your needs more clearly to those around you?

Tip #3: While technology can often feel like a source of stress, it can also be your best friend regarding self-care. Use scheduling apps to block off downtime, try mindfulness apps to start or end your day, and consider using tools that limit screen time—because, let’s be honest, we all need a break from the constant notifications.

Tip #4: Sometimes, we think self-care means we have to do it all alone. But community care—reaching out to your support system—can be equally important. Whether it’s a study group, a work buddy, or a close friend, don’t be afraid to lean on others. We’re not meant to do this alone, and asking for help when you need it is a form of self-compassion.

As you reflect on today’s episode, I challenge you to think about one small self-care habit you can incorporate into your routine starting today. What’s one action you can take to prioritize your well-being, no matter how small?

Remember, you don’t have to do everything, but you do have to do something. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Thanks for tuning in to this UMBC’s Mic’d Up Podcast episode. Until next time, take care of yourselves—because you’re worth it.